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A person with A negative blood may have genotype AO or AA. The genotype for the Rh factor must be negative in both alleles.

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Q: What makes A negative blood?
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What makes o negative?

well what makes it so unique is that u can give blood to everyone not just one type of blood. so that means no matter what blood type someone else has u can give blood to them, isnt that cool!

What type of blood does a king have?

Rh Negative Blood, Also known as Blue Blood (Higher Copper content at birth makes it blue)

What blood types can person with blood type A negative donate?

A person with A negative blood can donate blood to a person with A negative blood and a person with AB negative blood.

What does O positive blood mean?

Blood of animals contaion a factor known as Rh factor which was first discovered in Rehsus monkey, so name Rh and if it is present blood is called Rh+ of positive and if not then Rh-ve or negative simply.....

If the father has blood type O positive and the mother has type O negative is this a problem?

makes no difference.

Blood positive or negative sol?

as far as i am aware, the haemoglobin complex is a positive sol. so that makes blood a positive sol too perhaps!

Is negative blood compatible wiyh positive blood?

Negative blood can be given to someone with positive blood. Positive blood CANNOT be given to someone with negative blood.

Can a mother with b negative blood and a father with o negative blood make a baby with ab negative blood?


What can an individual who is blood type AB negative do?

An individual who is blood type AB negative can receive any blood type that is negative. Somebody who is O negative can donate blood to anyone.

Can parents with o negative blood and b negative blood have a child with a negative blood?

yes it can be possible too as the parents is already with an o blood group..

If your parents are blood type O negative and b negative does that mean that you will have a negative blood type?

Yes, this is true. 100% of all children will have a negative blood type.

What types of blood can a person with Type A receive?

Consideration must be given to whether or not the person is Rh positive or Rh negative. A person with blood type A positivecan receive A positive, A negative, O positiveand O negative blood. A person with A negative blood can only receive A negative and O negative blood.