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Gold is more conductive than other atoms (except silver and copper) because of its high concentration of free electrons. Silver and copper are more conductive than gold, but gold has the advantage of being corrosion resistant.

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Q: What makes Gold Atoms more conductive than other Atoms?
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How does elements in gold differ from a gold compound itself?

Gold is gold...a gold compound has other atoms bonded to the gold atoms, but the gold atoms don't really change.

Is gold conductive?

Yes, very conductive, its one of the best conductors there is.

What material or substance makes gold?

Gold, just gold - as it is an element (symbol Au). Most gold jewelry is really made of an alloy of gold, which means it contains gold and also other metals which lower the cost and provide increased durability, decreased malleability, etc. Atoms of gold are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons... just like atoms of any other element.

How many atoms does 100 grams of gold have?

Gold has a molar mass of 196.96655 grams per mole. 100 grams then is equal to .508 moles which makes 3.059 E23 atoms of gold.

Why doesn't gold bond with anhy other elements?

Gold is a "Noble Metal", which means its atoms do not readily share electrons with atoms of other elements.

What is the next highest degree of electrical conductivity other than silver?

Gold is incredibly conductive, which is why gold-plated wires tend to be more prized.

Gold is made out of what?

Gold is an element, so it's made out of gold atoms. it has atoms icons

What makes gold an element?

The fact that it is composed of one type of atom, specifically, gold is composed of atoms with 79 protons each.

What makes gold metal?

Stars may only produce atoms as heavy as iron. To make gold, a supernova must happen.

If you weigh a piece of gold for example how could you figure out the exact number of atoms in that sample?

Sticking with gold : Gold has an atomic weight of 196.9665 so 196.9665 grams of gold has Avogadro's number of atoms : 6.02 x 10 to the 23 atoms. Use proportions to figure for other weights.

What are the 4 most conductive metals?

Silver, gold, copper platinum.

What is right numerically atoms for gold to be element?

Gold is the element gold no matter how many atoms of it you have.