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Noble gases differ from other elements in that the number of electrons that are attached to the core is exactly right. Most elements have either too much or too few electrons to fill their shells (rings of electrons surrounding the nucleus). Noble gasses therefore do not interact with other elements to shed, share or steal electrons like other elements do.

Under normal conditions these gases do not react with any other element, and it is therefore that no one ever isolated a noble gas until 1895.

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Q: What makes Noble gases different than any other element?
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noble gases. You"re welcome.

Can noble gases get unstable?

Noble gases have completely filled octet. It makes it difficult to get unstable.

What makes noble gases different?

Noble Gases have a complete set of electrons in their orbits. As seen in a Bohr Diagram, there can by two electrons in the first orbit, eight in the next two, and eighteen in the next two. When an entire orbit is filled perfectly (2 in Helium, 10 in Neon, 18 in Argon, etc.), the element is very stable and, thus, a "Noble Gas."

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A full octet makes the noble gases nonreactive.

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A full octet makes the noble gases nonreactive.

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A full octet makes the noble gases nonreactive.

How Does A Full Octet Affect Trends Among Noble Gases?

A full octet makes the noble gases nonreactive.

What is helimum?

I assume that you mean Helium ... one of the Noble Gases. It is the second lightest Element, Hydrogen is the first. Being a noble gas, it does not burn so it is used in balloons. The noble gases do not readily combine with other elements to form other compounds ... they just 'stand alone.' A balloon filled with hydrogen can and does easily explode, but one filled with helium will not

What can be classifiied by a noble glass?

If the question is what classifies and element as a noble gas, then the answer is that they have a full octet of valence electrons. This makes them more stable and less likely to react, the noble gases can be found on the last period (or vertical column) on the periodic table.

What makes the noble gases different to other elements in the periodic table?

It's fullfill electronic configuration i.e ns2np6 configuration.

Element used in electric signs?

Any of the noble gases. This can be Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon or even Radon. Neon, for example, makes red. Krypton makes a blue colour.

What are the gases that makes up the air?

These gases are nitrogen, oxygen, argon, other noble gases, carbon dioxide, water vapors.