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because he dies at the end but in trancendentalist stories he would live and the cold would not be -75 it would be 32 or something.

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1mo ago

"To Build a Fire" is a Naturalist story because it depicts a deterministic view of nature where the man's fate is ultimately determined by his environment. The story emphasizes the indifference of nature to human existence and the powerlessness of the protagonist in the face of natural forces. Additionally, detailed descriptions of the harsh Yukon setting and the harsh consequences of the man's mistakes contribute to the Naturalist elements of the story.

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Q: What makes To Build a Fire a Naturalist story?
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In the story "To Build a Fire" by Jack London, the newcomer in the land is known as "Chechaquo," which means a "newcomer" or "tenderfoot" in the North.

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the story is Third person omniscient

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The Yukon Trail

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What is the time span of the story to build a fire?

The story "To Build a Fire" by Jack London takes place over the span of a few hours. It follows the journey of a man walking through the Yukon wilderness to reach his camp, facing challenges due to extreme cold and his lack of preparedness.

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There is great significance in the fact that the main character has no name in To Build a Fire. This is so that the reader can relate.

In the story to build a fire'' where is the man going?

The man is going to see his boys at a camp.

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humans are part ape so humans!

In the story to build a fire what happens when the man spits?

In the story "To Build a Fire," when the man spits, his spit freezes mid-air before it hits the ground. This indicates just how dangerously cold the conditions are and foreshadows the severity of the situation he is in.