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a complete rotation of earth on its axis takes about 24 hours, this is the length of a day.

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Q: What makes a day the length it is?
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What movement of the planet makes one day as a unit of time?

It is the rotation of the planet one complete revolution that determines the length of a day.

What is the length of day on earth?

the length of day on earth is 24 hours

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The length of the day in th US is the same as the length of the day anywhere else in the world, roughly 24 hours.

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the length of a day on Jupiter is average, 9.9 hours

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See answer given for length of Venus day in hours.

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The length of a "day" on the moon is 29 Earth days.

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the length of the day is not a fixed unit of time

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29.5 earth days is one moon day wich is the length of the moons day

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During the Autumn equinox the length of the day and night are nearly equal. The length of the day on the equinox is approximately twelve hours.

The length of its day is close to the length of earths day?

Mars has a day of 24 hours 39 minutes and 35 seconds