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The food it eats is every where, it has no predators, its light fur reflects heat, a.nd it has many supportive pack members that always help it

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Q: What makes a lion able to survive in its ecosystem?
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What is a lion's ecosystem?

Natural ecosystem (habitat) of lion is savanah

What is the ecosystem in lion king?

The overall ecosystem in The Lion King is the savanna grassland.

What ecosystem does lion live in?

it lives in a ecosystem at our school.

What adaptation does a mountain lion have to the desert ecosystem?

Mountain lions can easily adapt to many ecosystems. Their hunting abilities enable them to survive from that ecosystems inhabitants. Since they have a diverse diet, they find it easy to survive in the desert.

What ecosystem would a lion live in?

Your mom was a lion before i banged her

What type of climate does a lion need to survive?

For a lion to survive it must be in a warm climate.

What climateweather does a sea lion live in?

a sea lion lives in a saltwater ecosystem

What is a lion's niche in the ecosystem?

It's the predator.

How has isolation affected the development of the lion?

By being isolated the lion is not able to learn from others of its kind. It will not learn pertinent hunting and survival skills that other lions have adapted in order to survive in the wild.

How does a mountain lion fit in a food web in its ecosystem?

The lion is an apex predator, at the top of the food chain.

How do you survive a lion attack?

You are unlikely to.

What ecosystem does the lion live in?

Well it lives in Africa so i suggest your next question should be - What ecosystem is Africa? ;]