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It is the genetic make up of plant which largely determines the size of flower and fruit.

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Q: What makes a plnt produce large flower and fruit?
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Tube in a flower that makes seeds?

Pollen tube.

What parts of a plant makes seed?

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Yams are a tuber. Fruits are developed by flowers and contain reproductive cells, since the yam is not developed from the flower, it is considered not a fruit which makes it a vegetable.

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blossoms are flowers of fruit trees that open and flourish while bloom is a flower in perfection and full beauty.

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By the Wind and the pollen. Because the wind carries the pollen over plants flower and all other things that grow!

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flowers, fruit, seed pods......whatever that specific plant makes, it will only make if its BEEn pollinated

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A flower makes a seed by doing this:First of all the stamen the male part of the plant needs to get it needs bees or other living things to help.when it gets pollen,the pistil the female part of the plant who produce egg cells combine,and a seed is made.

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