

What makes a straight person go gay?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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10y ago

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No one "goes gay" you just come to terms with it one day. I told people I "was straight" until I was 25 then I "came out" which really means I decided to be honest with myself about feelings that I had my entire life.

Think of it this way... no one ever asks you if you're straight, it's just assumed. If it was a question I think people would come out a whole lot sooner.

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Nothing. Nothing can make a straight person become gay. It's impossible. Just as nothing can make a gay person become straight.

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Now it seems to be a trend to be gay. In highschools all along the country, teens are chosing to go that route because it makes them populary. Especially girls.

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0% of gay people go straight. It's simply not possible. No study has ever successfully demonstrated that sexual orientation can be changed.

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No that would be discriminating. I Would also like to point out that just because someone is attracted to the same sex does NOT mean they fancy YOU! Ex; A straight woman prefer men but does is not attracted to ALL men. This is something gay people have to deal with often, that people think that just because you are a gay man you want all men. That is very far from the truth. If the straight person is the one with the problem let him /her go somewhere else. The gay person has done nothing wrong.

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You don't. Going after a straight guy will only end in disappointment. But if he's gay, then he's not a straight guy, so just ask him to go out with you.

Will Justin bieber go out with people that are gay?

I doubt it! Justin Bieber is not gay! he's straight!

Do straight guys go to gay clubs?

Some do, but most don't. The ones that do are not looking to pick up a gay guy. They are only looking to have a fun evening, and they are comfortable enough not to care whether the club is gay or straight.