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Q: What makes a tropical place?
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Is Guatemala a tropical or desert place?

Guatemala is tropical and not a desert.

What is in tropical water?

Decaying leaf litter - the water appears black in tropical regions because of this. It also makes the sea where the river mouth is "muddy" and not look like tropical water- this is one of the reasons why coral cannot grow all over the place in equatorial regions

Why are tropical rainforest's important your your earth?

a tropical rainforest is a smelly place

What is the adjective in I am going to a tropical place called Costa Rico.?


What makes a plant a tropical plant?

it has plants

If a place is described tropical and rainy year round what subclimate is it?

Tropical Rainforest

What place has tropical climate?

Places with tropical climates include Southwest Asia and Indonesia.

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Why Indonesia is called tropical country?

You are joking....tropical can be found around 18 to 35 degrees

What makes the forests on Dominica so lush?

It is lush because it is a tropical island

Is Nubia a tropical place?

No. Nubia is in Egypt.

What makes the tropical oceans unique?

they are the worlds hotest oceans