

What makes association football so popular?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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Football's PopularityFootball is so popular because of the excitment of the sport and the way its is presented. AnswerFootball, known is Canada and USA as soccer, is the worlds most popular sport.

There are many reasons for this. In football you mainly use your feet, chest and head thus making the ball always open and so the game is fast paced and demands a vast array of techniques.

In football size is not as important as in Basketball, gridiron or Rugby, so anyone with skill can become good at it.

Rich and poor alike can play the game as it requires little equipment.

Football is watched and played more than any other sport globally mainly due to the excitement of hoping to see a goal and the importance each goal scored has on the flow of the match.

Each year football becomes more popular than the year before, no other sports have ever been able to achieve this over such a long period of time.


It has no limitations.

Also the real answer is because football is made for education.

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What teams were the first to ever play soccer?

Sheffield FC founded in 1857 is the oldest football club that plays soccer. They originally played by Sheffield rules changing to Football Association rules in 1877.AnswerThe 'Laws of the game' for Assosiation football (Soccer) were coded by the Football Association in 1863. The first ever soccer match was played on Barnes common at Mortlake, London on 19th December 1863 between Barnes football club and Richmond football club. The Barnes club was captained by E.C. Morley who founded the Barnes club and wrote the 'Laws of the Game' for and behalf of the Football Association. The purpose of the game was to test the new code of football. Out of the two clubs only the Barnes Club was registered with the Football Association so by default this makes them the first Association Football Club to play a game of Soccer. The game ended 0-0

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Association Football the difference being that North American football has very little to do with feet, so why it is called soccer is a mystery, every where else in the world it is called "football"

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Where was the first match played between which two teams?

Notts County FC formed in 1862 in Nottingham, EnglandAnswerThe 'Laws of the game' for Assosiation football (Soccer) were coded by the Football Association in 1863. The first ever soccer match was played on Barnes common at Mortlake, London on 19th December 1863 between Barnes football club and Richmond football club. The Barnes club was captained by E.C. Morley who founded the Barnes club and wrote the 'Laws of the Game' for and behalf of the Football Association. The purpose of the game was to test the new code of football. Out of the two clubs only the Barnes Club was registered with the Football Association so by default this makes them the first Association Football Club to play a game of Soccer. The game ended 0-0

Why is the game of football so popular?

people love them