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Rechargeable batteries are based on a reversible chemical reaction.

Pull current out of the battery, and the chemistry inside changes from A to B.

Push current back into the battery and the chemistry changes back from B to A.

But the proces isn't perfect though, which is why there's a limit to how many times a battery can be rechared and still work well.

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reverse oxidation(car battery, lead acid)

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How can batteries be rechargable?


Are the batteries for this keyboard rechargeable?

Yes, almost all keyboard batteries are rechargable. However, you'll need a rechargable batteries for it.

Are any portable radios rechargable?

If you get rechargable batteries you can make any radio rechargable.

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they use rechargable batteries

Are rechargable batteries better for CO2 detectors?

Rechargable batteries are a good option for CO@ detectors,please make sure you cahrge them regularly.

Can the batteries for a philips portable radio be recharged?

The batteries in a portable radio can be recharged you must buy rechargable batteries and a rechargable plug that you can charge them with the are great to have and save lots of money.

What powers a Nintendo D'S?

Rechargable batteries.

Which rechargable battery has the overall longest lifespan?

The best rechargable battery with the longest life span would have to be the new Hybrio rechargable batteries .

Is the batteries a nonrenewable resource?

If depends, if the batteries are rechargable or not. If they are then they're renewable. If not, then they are unrenewable.

How do you charge a ti-84 plus silver edition?

If it has rechargable batteries, open the back, take out the batteries and put them in a charger. When recharged, put back in the calculator. If it doesn't have rechargable batteries, just buy more batteries.

How much longer do rechargable AA batteries last, on average, compared to standard duracell batteries?

Rechargable batteries will not last as long as normal AA's, but, of course, can be recharged, and should last over a year.

How can you recharge batteries?

You can only recharge rechargable type