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Q: What makes beaumaris castle harder to attack than Rochester?
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Did square stones keep a castle's defenses strong?

The strenghts were the castle was made up of bricks so was harder to attack like the other medeival castle .e.g. motte baily. also the castle didnt rot and there was high towers so people couldn't attack.

Why were the mote and bailey castles not good enough?

because the wooden one would get burnt easily which also means that the attackers could attack easily aswell but the stone castle made it harder for them to attack and kept the others safe

Where is not a good place to build a castle?

The normans wouldn't have placed it near another motte and bailey castle in case of constant raids for land, They should have it near a water source such as a river or lake The normans should build on high ground so they can see if someone is going to attack and it is harder for the enemies to attack hope you find this answer helpful

Is with a moat an adverb or adjective phrase?

It could be either, because it is defined by the word it modifies. It is more likely an adjective phrase. E.g. A castle with a moat is harder to attack. It appears to be an adverb in the form: "The castle was originally built with a moat" although it seems to say that the castle was built 'using' a moat rather than featuring one.

What is the best position is netball centre or wing attack?

wing attack because if your center you have to be everywhere and it's harder.

How knights protect a stone keep castles?

The advantages of a stone keep castle include the inability of burning because the castle is built of stone. It will not rot within a few decades, too.

What were the strengths of a stone square keep castle?

they were made of strong stone and therefore harder to destroy.

Why did castles change in medieval times?

because it got harder for people to protect their castles so they had to make it harder for others to attack

Who do castles protect the people?

The castles were shaped like circles, instead of squares because circles were harder to climb. The castle defenses also helped protect the people in the castle.

Why did you have round castles?

Castles were round because this meant that the person living in the castle could see an enemy from any angle plus it was alot harder to knock down a round castle

What are the similarities between stone keep castles and circular keep?

a round keep castle has round corners so it is harder for it to be undermined A concentric castle is basically square

What is Castle Crashers Insane Mode?

Castle Crashers insane mode is this really hard mode where even the easiest bosses are harder. There are the same amount of people but they take way longer to defeat.