

What makes black holes so attractive?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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there not attractive because they are practically incisible to the human eye

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Q: What makes black holes so attractive?
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Are black holes invisable?

Yes and no. It is rather hard to explain, because black holes are so dark and black that no living creature can see them, which in a sense makes them invisible, but you can also see where a black hole is because it sucks in light, too, so that would also, in a sense make it visible, but the my main answer would be, no black holes are not invisible.

How does a black hole have extreme mass?

Not all do - most black holes have masses comparable to that of a star; this makes sense, since they are believed to have formed from collapsing stars. There are, however, black holes that have thousands, millions, or even billions of times the mass of our Sun - called intermediate black holes, or (for about a million solar masses or more), supermassive black holes. It is currently unknown how exactly they got so massive.

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Black holes. They can be so large that they can suck up universes at a time

Why was it so hard to prove that black holes exist?

no dude, the evidences of the existence of black holes is now widely accepted and i believe that black holes rules our universe but it is difficult to find them because black holes are nearly the perfectly black bodies

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Can black holes kill planets?

Black holes can destroy stars, so they'd have no trouble destroying a planet.

What can you say about black holes?

Black holes were stars that were so massive that they collapsed on itself. The gravity in black holes is infinite and more you get closer to it, more time gets slower. Black holes suck all matter that is too close. Even light can't escape Black holes.

How can black holes be destoyed?

Black Hole simply cannot be destroyed because Black holes have so much Gravity That even light cannot pass or go from near the black holes. Black Holes pull the object passing from 10,000,00 (10 Lakh) away from them. So nobody can go near them to destroy it

Why black holes are black for kids?

Black holes are blavk because their gracity is so strong that light cannot escape for us to see.

Can a black hole move a planet?

Yes, a black hole can move a planet. Black holes are so massive that they can alter the orbits of stars and star systems. This makes changing planetary motion nothing to a black hole.

How are black holes most easily identifed?

Black holes do not emit light, so black holes can not be seen this way. But black holes emit X-rays, but stars are not hot enough to emit X-rays. When black holes suck up stars, energy goes to the black hole, and come out as X-rays.

How powerful are black holes?

Black holes are so powerful, that if you were in one, it would stretch you apart and you would NEVER come out!!!