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Because it has the same kind of atoms through and through. Calcium doesn't contain anything else than calcium. And anything that consists of only one kind of atoms is an element.

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the amount of protons in it

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Q: What makes calcium different from all other elements?
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How is calcium different from the other elements?

its number of protons

How is calcium different from all the other elements?

its number of protons

What makes mild steel different from other types of steel?

Its made from different elements

What molecules make up calcium molecule?

Calcium itself an element.So there is other elements in calcium.

What element has calcium?

Calcium is itself an element. Elements do not contain other substances.

How are the elements oxygen and calcium alike and different?

They are both elements, form molecules, and will bond with many other elements.

Does calcium react strongly when bonding with other elements?

Yes it does react strongly when bonding with other elements

Is milk made of hydrogen oxygen and calcium?

Milk is a complex mixture consisting of water, proteins, fats, lactose (sugar), vitamins, and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. It is not accurate to say that milk is solely made of hydrogen, oxygen, and calcium.

What makes inert gases different from the other groups in the periodic table?

Inert gasses do not react with other elements or compounds.

Does calcium combine with other elements easily?

It combines with Oxygen the most.

What elements are in your teeth?

The main elements found in teeth are calcium, phosphorus, and trace amounts of other minerals such as fluoride, potassium, and sodium.

What elements can get from egg yolk?

Egg yolk contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and many other elements. Eggs are a good source of may different vitamins and amino acids.