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Fizzy drinks contain Carbonic acid. This acid is quite unstable and decomposes into Carbon dioxide and water. This Carbon dioxide gas comes out of the drink looking as bubbles.

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14y ago

Carbonation, the makers put co2 gas into the solution

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Q: What makes drinks fizzy?
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What is in sofa drinks that make fizzy fizzes?

Carbon Dioxide makes the drinks fizzy, I also heard that CO2 makes water fizzy with that soda maker thing.

What is in fizzy drinks carbon dioxide hydrogen nitrogen or oxygen?

Carbon dioxide is what makes drinks fizzy.

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What does sugar do in fizzy drinks?

The dissolved CO2 in fizzy drinks is bitter. Sugar makes the fizzy drinks taste good by covering the bitter taste with a sweet flavor so you want to drink it.

Which gases makes the bubbles in fizzy drinks?


What makes the powdered drinks fizzy?

baking powder

What makes the fizz in fizzy drinks?

Carbon Dioxide

What gas makes drinks fizzy?

its carbon dioxed

Why do fizzy drinks have acid in them?

Fizzy drinks have carbonic acid which produces the carbon dioxide that makes the drinks fizz; they also usually have phosphoric acid, for flavor.

What makes fizzy drinks explode when shaken?

It is the Carbon Dioxide that does it.

Is nitrogen in fizzy drinks?

No. Fizzy drinks contain carbon dioxide.

What are chemicals in fizzy drinks?

The fizz in the drinks are from carbon dioxide.