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Q: What makes earthworms a very ideal specimen for laboratory use among all other segmented worms?
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Annelids are segmented worms, such as Earthworms. See the link below for a fuller description.

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The general consensus among evolutionists is that fish evolved from segmented worms.

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How is the circulatory system of segmented worms unique among worms?

Segmented worms move by peristalsis. These are waves that flow through the body making the segmented worm turn and bend flexibly.

Can rats be disease free?

Yes, laboratory rats are among the cleanest.

What is the physical features of an arthropod?

Among other features, Arthropods have segmented bodies, an exoskeleton made from chitin, and joint appendages.

Why are earthworms prey to birds?

Earthworms are prey to birds because they are smaller, slower, and are not capable of attacking birds.Also, many birds actually have two foveae in their eyes, while humans have one. The fovea is the part of the eye that is most sensitive and has the most photoreceptors. So with two focal points, such birds have very sharp vision and can see earthworms, among other prey.

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Rat-bite fever occurs most often among laboratory workers who handle lab rats in their jobs, and among people who live in poor conditions, with rodent infestation

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He was a gifted student and a talented laboratory assistant. Among the scientists that he assisted, were Robert Boyle, Christopher Wren, and John Wilkins.

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Among the lowest quality firearms ever built in a factory, value of a specimen in excellent condition would be $25-$50.

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Propper makes quality medical devices. They handle laboratory tests, ophthalmic equipment and laryngoscopes among many other things. theyre located in long island city.

What are the characteristics of the groups of organisms called arthropods?

The taxonomic grouping of arthropods is called a phylum. Among other traits, arthropods are characterized by joint appendages and segmented bodies covered by an exoskeleton made of chitin. They have an internal body cavity called a hemocoel and an open circulatory system.