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An electric motor.

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Q: What makes electrical energy change into energy of motion?
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What makes hybrid cars and what are they?

A hybrid car is a car that can automatically change from an electrical to a petrol motor whilst in motion. The car's electrical batteries are often charged by the revolutions of the wheels whilst in motion

What energy conversion happens in an fan?

fan converts electric energy into magnetic and further mechanical energy

When energy is in motion what makes it slow down?

the motion that makes things slow down is friction

What makes hair stick to balloons?

Friction which makes electrical energy which attracts hair

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The change in direction of motion of a satellite is caused by the gravitational field of the planet of which it is a satellite.

What measures the amount of energy in the motion of atoms?

Since heat and energy are the same it is called Kinetic energy. The temperature is what makes up the average particles in motion which are in all atoms.

What is a push or pull on an object that makes it change motion?

A force

What property of objects makes them resist change in motion?


What makes the electromagnet work?

maybe electrical energy i don't know

What form of energy makes things runs example boat plane fan bee kite?

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion.

Do energy cannot change from one form to other?

Energy in all forms (electrical, mechanical, chemical, thermal) can change from different forms. For example, consider a piece of coal in a power plant. The burning piece of coal is transforms from chemical to thermal energy. If the thermal energy (heat) boils water, it's transform to an another form of chemical energy. Then, if it turns a turbine, it's changed to mechanical energy. Then, finally, the turbine turns a generator and makes electricity (electrical energy).

How does wind energy affect wind turbines?

It makes them turn, like a windmill, and this kinetic energy is used to make electrical energy.