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Mainly their weak intermolecular forces.

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Q: What makes gas molecules different from liquid and solid molecules?
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How are molecules in a solid different from molecuels in a liquid?


What makes a liquid different from a solid of the same substance?

the arrangement of it's molecules...... which depend on kinetic energy and intermolecular force.

Is gluep a solid or a liquid?

Glue in fact is a solid, liquid, and gas. It is liquid when it is in the bottle, It releases gas when it is curing, and when it is cured it is a solid. This is true for most glues, others are different.

How is liquid deferint then solid?

(different ;)) the molecules are more tightly packed in a solid. an example of a sold is a TV an example of liquid is lemonaide

What is the difference between the molecules in a hot solid and hot liquid?

The molecules in a solid vibrate in place. The molecules of a liquid are moving about.

Is hot gravy a solid or a liquid and why?

Is hot gravy a solid or liquid Ans=liquid.

How are liquids and solids different from each other?

Liquid molecules are spread out. Solid molecules are close together. And gas molecules are far apart.

What happens when a solid a liquid and gas when it changes its state?

Well solid to liquid the heat speeds up the molecules and same for liquid to gas but from liquid to solid the coolant slows the molecules down

What makes a solid different then a liquid?

Well, the molecule sort out diffrently

Do molecules have more freedom of movement in the solid state than in the liquid state?

No in a solid the molecules are fixed in position while in a liquid they can move around - that is why a liquid is 'liquid'.

What makes a liquid different from a solid or a gas?

a liquid has molecules that flow around faster than a solid and it takes the shape of it's container, unlike a solid, and you can feel and see liquid unlike gas. Liquid can also change to three of the four states of matter naturally (solid,gas,liquid,and plasma), a rare quality for a state of matter.

Why are liquids and solids different?

A liquid will fit in any shape of a (larger) container, a solid does not, because of its own 'solid' shape.