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There are many variables which contribute to a muscle's ability to produce force.


The Orientation of muscle fibers influence force production capabilities per square unit. For example, the diagonal orientation of the gastrocnemius (calve muscle) gives it greater ability to contract versus the linear orientation in the biceps brachii.

The way in which a muscle crosses one or more joints can give it a mechanical advantage relative to other muscles. The muscular system is essentially a lever system. Compare the moment arms between two muscles and you can see which one has the advantage


Muscles are comprised of several motor units, some have the ability to contract faster and with more force than others. This is influenced by training and genetics. Muscles with more "Fast twitch" muscle can produce more force than "slow twitch" muscles. Think Olympic weightlifters versus endurance athletes.

A larger muscle generally has more contractile elements than a smaller one. This is also due to genetics and training. "Myofibrillar Hypertrophy" seen in barbell sports makes a stronger muscle than "Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy" seen in bodybuilding. The former increases the actin and myosin within the muscle, the former increases the amount of water in the sarcoplasm.

It's somewhat erroneous to think of muscles as individual units. This is great for learning basics of anatomy, but in practice, muscles always work in concert with each other, interdigitate with each other and only really become separate under the scalpel.

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eg. If you do weights on your left arm for 3months and don't do weights on your right arm, your left arm should become stronger.

Protein helps your body to gain muscle bulk (muscle weighs more than fat).

For your muscles to be able to "grow" they also need to rest, so train about 3 to 4 times per week at first, and then maybe 4 or 5.

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