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Q: What makes one type of energy different from another?
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What makes one type different than another?

Features make one type different that another. Features are the way something looks, feels, or smells. Features can also be added to one type to make it different.

What do energy changes to?

You can change one type of energy to another type of energy. In general, you can freely convert between different types of energy - with some limitations due to the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

What can you convert into energy?

You can convert one type of energy into another type of energy.

Energy conversions energy changing from one?

Energy conversion means that one type of energy is converted into another type of energy.

What type of energy makes solar energy?

Nuclear fusion energy

What does energy conversions mean?

It means to convert one type of energy into another type of energy.

What means energy conversion?

It means to convert one type of energy into another type of energy.

What type of energy makes electricity?

wind energy like windmills

What do you mean by energy convertionS?

Energy conversion simply means that one type of energy is converted to another type of energy.

How are energy and heat different?

Heat is a type of energy.