

What makes peacock feathers so unique?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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They just are. You did'nt know that?! You are cuckoo!

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Q: What makes peacock feathers so unique?
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Why are a peacock's feathers so colorful?

To attract female peacocks.

How do you look like Hera the goddess?

The symbol of Hera is the peacock, so put peacock feathers in your hair. Also, wear a fancy stola.

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The sand grouse will soak his feathers for his chicks to drink.

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1. Peacock is our National Bird. 2. Peacock is so beautiful. 3. peacock has a long neck and a crown on its head. 4. Peacock has colourful and long feathers. 5. peacock used to dance in the start of rain as if it welcomes the rain.

What is a peacocks feathers made of?

the peacock feather is made of little crystals in each tassel. that is why the feather is so colorful.

Are peacocks scared of humans?

I wouldn't think so. Like most birds, peacocks loose their tail feathers and other feathers at a certain time of year. They then regrow new feathers. So, most people I know collect the pretty tail feathers after they fall of. There is no reason to kill a peacock for feathers.

How much feathers does a peacock shed per year?

probably maybe thousands and thousands of feathers I'm just saying alot of feathers so do my friends and we looked it up so probablythousands and thousands of feathers if you don't like this answer then look it up but I'm really sorry if i don't help sincerely unknown.

Why are peacocks colorful?

Peacocks are colorful, so that they can attract the attention of peahens. The feathers are purely for mating purposes and do not serve for defense. The peacock loses his tail feathers every year after mating season.

WHAT ARE Peacock tail featherS CALLED?

By elision with the Greek myth of Argus ( not the camera) sometimes , Argus Eyes- this is also the dramatic society of Saint Peter"s College- in Jersey City. The college deriv ed Peacock mascot from once having been on Pavonia avenue=- being a church school somebody boned the Latin and Pavonia can be interpreted as (land of the Peacock) and Pavo is singular for Peacock. so the name stuck- and the feathers. By the way a Peacock cannot see through his tail feathers, they are not compound radar eyes- some insects have compound eyes, but not this type. Mythed again/

What makes Microsoft unique?

Its all their perfect understanding of the market which makes them so popular and unique.

What does the Chinese proverb a clever crow will always paint its feathers black mean?

This comes from a Laon folktale and in a nutshell means not to show off. The folktale is as follows: the peacock and the crow decide to add color to their feathers, and to paint each other's. The crow spends a long time painting careful designs on the peacock, who becomes so proud of his feathers he wants to strut and flaunt them. So when the peacock paints the crow, he just dumps black paint on and says he's done. Yet the crow is more respected for his care for others and his modesty.

How do peacocks survive in the wild?

When a peacock comes in contact with a predator, peacock lifts & opens tail. Parts of tail looks like eyes & enemy is scared & runs off there tail also attracts there mates