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Atmospheric chemical composition Its temperature.

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Q: What makes planets get their color?
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What makes Saturn orange?

Color in planets comes from mixtures of different gases

What makes stars and planets?

The Solar System Makes the planets and the Stars.

How did Venus get its color?

Venus is the hottest planet and holds more gas than all the planets so Venus' color orange, brown and yellow i think was formed by lots of heat in its atmosphere that goes in the clouds and makes that color.

Which planets are bluish in color?

Neptune and Uranus are both bluish in color.

Are there always two planets of the same color?


How many planets have been found?

There are 464 extrasolar planets, and 8 planets within our Solar System. This makes a total of 470 known planets.

What makes planets living?

what makes a plante living is if it has living organisms on it

What effect do sunspots have on planets?

It makes them hotter.

What makes a planet be classified as a dwarf planet instead of a moon?

Moons orbit planets. Planets (and dwarf planets) orbit stars.

What makes your solar system?

the planets, ateroids, smaller bodies, that dont qualify as planets. thats sad. and our sun. that is what makes up our solar system.

What makes the planets travel around the sun?

the gravitational pull of the sun is making the planets orbit it.

What makes the color of your nail?

The blood makes the color of your nail.