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They have fighting teeth and they need them for fighting off other males that ain't part of the herd and sometimes to ones that are in the herd about mating reasons so the fighting teeth can hurt and sometimes kill the other camels and llama's have them to for the same reason

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What makes camels good travelers?

What makes camels such good travelers is that they can go many days without water and their big feet will not sink into the sand.

What are some characteristics in camels?

camels are loving and like attention.

Are black camels real?

Yes, some camels are black.

Are there camels in China?

some dromedaries and mainly bactrian camels (2 humps)

What makes monsoons dangerous?

Monsoons are dangerous because they cause severe storms and floods which may lead to the loss of homes, and some buildings.

How much do camels have to sleep a day?

There is no calculation for how long camels sleep. Some camels don't sleep long especially those that are used to traveling in the desert.

How come camels don't sink on the sands dessert?

they have special feet which makes them not sink

Is camels hair brush really camels hair?

yes. may contain some camel poo too

Do camels pee in oasises?

yes, camels do tinkle in some oases that's why people only drink from it in books

Why do you call camels camels?

Because camels are camels

Why does camels have hump?

that is where they store extra fat so that when they are stuck in the desert they have extra food to live off of.

Are there camels in Australia?

Yes. However, camels are not native to Australia. Australia's huge feral camel problem is a result of some of the early explorers bringing camels over from Afghanistan and surrounding countries to help them explore the desert interior of the continent. It was not uncommon for the explorers and/or the Afghan cameleers to release their camels, or for the camels to escape.