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Q: What makes something a vegetable not just an edible plant?
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What makes a veggie a veggie?

A vegetable by definition, is an edible plant with seeds.

What makes a plant edible and inedible?


Is fungi a non-vegetable food?

well it doesn't come in plant kingdom so it is not a vegetable but it is edible like every edible halal thing.

What is a plant whose roots leaves or other parts are used as a food called a zinnia a vegetable a lilac or an iris?

An edible plant is a vegetable.

How would you compare and contrast a fruit and a vegetable?

A fruit has seeds; a vegetable does not. A vegetable is an edible plant or its part, intended for cooking or eating raw; a fruit is a reproductive part of the plant.

What part of the plant does carrots come from?

The root it is a root vegetable

Is a vegetable a fruit or a vegetable?

A vegetable can be edible seeds, roots, stems, leaves, bulbs, tubers or nonsweet fruits of any of numerous herbaceous plant. A fruit is the ripened reproductive body of a seed plant.

Are daffodils vegetable?

A vegetable is an edible plant or plant part that can be eaten cooked or raw. Every part of a daffodil is toxic (poisonous) to humans and many other animals, so it would not fit the definition of a vegetable.

How can you tell what is a fruit and what is a vegetable?

A fruit is the term given to the fleshy part of a plant produced by the plant as part of its seed protection/dispersal strategy.A vegetable is the term given to an edible part of a plant that is not a fruit.

What are the differences between an edible sea cucumber or a cucumber plant?

one is a vegetable the other is a fish

What are potatoes besides a vegetable?

Potatoes are a tuber, which grows underground, and are the only edible part of the potato plant.

Is potato a tuber or vegetable?

A potato is a tuber. Although technically a vegetable is just a part of a plant that is edible apart from fruit or seeds. So it could be argued as both really or you could just settle with a tuberous vegetable.