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Q: What makes the author refrain from killing the snake?
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What are the strength of snake?

They can not cry that is all I know

Why are people killing the king cobra snake?

Because it is too dangerous?

How does snake die in Harry Potter and the deathly howlos?

Nagini - Voldermort's Snake - is also a horcrux so Harry asks Neville to stab it with the Sword of Gryffindor if he (Harry) doesn't make it through the battle. Neville lands up killing the snake, with the sword, also killing the horcrux.

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Can gasoline kill a snake when it's poured on the snake?

no it makes the snake turn into a zombie and start slapping u up

Can a snake crawl up your anus and rupture your intestine killing you?

No. Your sphincter muscle is to strong - unless you allow the snake to do this to you. Even then it is unlikely it will do so.Not without assistance.

What is the sound that a snake makes?

The 'hiss' sound you're referring to - is simply the snake breathing out fast.

Does snake have a long vowel sound?

No, the word "snake" does not have a long vowel sound. The 'a' in snake makes a short vowel sound.

Can hawk eat a poisounous snake?

Yes..There are videos of a red tailed hawk killing a rattlesnake.

Which greek god was punished for killing a snake?

The god is named madusa.SHe also has snakes on her head.

What makes a snake patterns make a snake?

Pigment under the skin makes the patterns in snakes skin. You can sometimes see the patterning in the shed skin (but not always).