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The earth rotates once every 24 hours, so that the side that is facing the sun changes. Midday is when the point on the earth where the observer is located is pointing directly at the sun, while midnight is when it is pointing directly away from the sun, so the other side of the earth is facing the sun.

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Q: What makes the day change from day to night?
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Do star patterns change from night to day?

No. Because when the Earth is rotating that is how we get night and day. But the stars don't change from night and day.

How does day change to night?

Day and night changes the earth the earth makes it happen by rotating the earth rotates and it turns day or nightexample: you live in Arizona and when its day time theres light then as the earth moves it turns night time.Day and night changes the earth the earth makes it happen by rotating the earth rotates and it turns day or nightexample: you live in Arizona and when its day time theres light then as the earth moves it turns night time.

Why do the planets change position at night?

Day and night, the planets constantly orbit the sun. This makes the planetary positions appear to change each night with respect to the background stars from the perspective of earth. So the positions do not change only at night, it is just at night we can see the positions have changed a little bit more.

How are day and night different on earth and the moon?

they different because they change the hours of the day and they know when is night and day cause they change it .

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It will go dark at day and light in the night!

Can you change day to night on minecraft pe creative mode?

Currently, you cannot change day to night but it is thought to come in a few updates.

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How do you change the day to night on gta 4

What do human breath at night?

The air doesn't change much from day to night, so we Breathe the same stuff at night as during the day.

What do humans breathe in at night?

The air doesn't change much from day to night, so we Breathe the same stuff at night as during the day.

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What controls the change in leaves from night to day?

The sunlight.