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Q: What makes up the bottom level of an energy pyramid?
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What group makes up the largest level of energy pyramid?


What energy is available each step up the pyramid?

Ten percent of the energy in each trophic level makes it to the next level.

Which group makes up the largest level of energy pyramid?

Producers is the group in an energy pyramid.

What type of pyramid shows energy flow through an ecosystem?

An energy pyramid portrays the flow of energy by displaying the plants at the bottom, who get the most energy from the sun, and then gradually moving up to herbivores as it shows the transferal of energy from the plants to the herbivores and how the amount of energy received is significantly less than the original amount. The pyramid then shows how energy is passed from carnivore to carnivore and decreases in amount each time. The pyramid gets smaller as you reach the top of the food chain because not as much energy can be acquired by eating an animal that has eaten another animal that has eaten a plant that received energy from the sun. The energy decreases as it is passed from one creature to the next and the pyramid depicts this as it gets smaller toward the top. Helpful?

What organism contains the greatest amount of energy in an energy pyramid?

The lowest; all others expend it at some point, which makes it leave the pyramid/food chain. << The base (producers) because that is the level where energy is first fixed to the ecosystem. ALL levels expend more energy than they fix. >

Which group makes up the largest supply of an energy pyramid?


Why are there fewer organisms at the top of the pyramid than at the bottom?

I am in sixth grade and we are learning about this in science class right now. It's smaller at the top of the pyramid because of the populations of species; on the bottom of the pyramid, you've got abiotic elements like soil, air, water and sunlight. Since this is where the energy starts, it is at its most. Then the, let's say, grass, takes its energy (grass is a producer). Then a herbivore will eat the grass, and it will have less energy. Then carnivores will eat that herbivore, and when that carnivore dies, the scavengers will eat it's remains, which don't have much energy now. The decomposers will eat whatever the scavengers didn't and will turn it to soil. Now it is abiotic and its energy is restored. So, since there is less and less energy as you go up the pyramid, There is less and less organisms. I hope this makes sense!

Why is there less energy at the top of the energy pyramid?

Energy decreases because only 10% of the energy stored at each trophic level is available to the next trophic level.

What makes up the base of any energy pyramid?

eaither producer's carnivores herbivores or scavenger's

What makes up the bottom of the pyramid illustrating the federal bureaucracy?

The bottom part, or foundation, is made up of many agencies that are the largest part of the federal government.

Why does a pentagonal pyramid have six faces?

"Pent" means five in Latin: five sides. Plus the bottom, makes six.

Definition of a square pyramid?

A pyramid with a square base, like the great pyramids of Egypt or Mexico. The bottom is square and they have four equal and identical triangular sides. This makes them different from a tetrahedron, a pyramid with a triangular base and three triangular sides.