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The thermal energy of an object consists of the vibrations or other motions (depending on phase; molecules in a solid move very differently than molecules in a gas) of the particles (normally atoms or molecules) of which that object is composed. Faster motion means higher temperature.

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Q: What makes up the thermal energy of an object?
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What kind of energy makes the light bulb light up?

thermal energy of course. :}

How could you increase the energy of an object resting on a desk?

There are different types of energy. You can increase the gravitational potential energy by raising the object. You can increase its thermal energy by heating it up.

What is the defiition of thermal energy?

when your phone or an object gets heated up or gets hot.

Why can you you model the thermal energy of an object as the 'mechanical energy' of the particles that make it up?

The heat becomes visible through electromagnetic energy

Is the type of thermal energy transfer that occurs when the you place a cooler object on a heat source to warm the cooler object up.?

what is the answer

Can energy be used up or can energy be lost?

Energy isn't "used up" but instead is converted into different forms like heat (thermal) and motion (kinetic) but when talking about an object we say the object has lost or gained energy.

What is the relationship between friction and thermal energy?

When temperature increases, particles in an object speed up, which means an increase in thermal energy. Since the particles are moving more now, the potential energy decreases, therefore kinetic energy increases. Overall, when temp goes up, thermal energy goes up, which leads to an increase in kinetic energy.

How are thermal energy and the kinectic energy of an object related?

kinetic energy is the energy that is being used in an object, and heat energy is in some cases the result, once the energy is used up. Such as, if you walk, you are using kinetic energy, your body heats up as a result, and you release the energy from your body in the form of heat.

A person places a metal spoon that is at room temperature into a bowl of hot soup how will the thermal energies of the spoon and the soup be affected?

the spoon will increase in thermal energy, and the soup will decrease in thermal energy. Reason: Thermal energy is the total of all the kinetic and potential energy of the atoms in an object. When the thermal energy of a substance increases, its particles move faster. If the thermal energy of a solid increases enough, it melts into a liquid. The liquid state of a substance always has a higher thermal energy than its solid state. If the liquid continues to gain thermal energy, its particles speed up more. When the particles of a liquid have absorbed enough energy to escape the forces between them, the liquid becomes a gas. The substance has undergone another phase change. As the total kinetic energy of the particles in an object increases, the object gets warmer. Heat flows from a warmer object to a cooler one.

What happens to thermal energy if the molicules speed up?

Thermal energy increases when molecules speed up.

Does a gas lose or gain thermal energy in condensation?

The gas begins to cool down, and lose thermal energy, and moves up in the ladder of the 3 states of matter. Gasses condense into liquids, liquids turn into solids. The higher up you go, the less thermal energy the object has.

What happens to thermal energy when temperatures increase?

When the temperature of a material increase, thermal energy is added to the material. It also increases the kinetic and potential energy of the particles. When the temperature reach the boiling or melting point, the kinetic energy stays the same, but the thermal energy and the potential energy still keeps adding and increasing. And when ONLY the potential energy increase, the state of the material changes from one to another.