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Q: What makes vitamin k in your large intestine?
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What vitamin is being made by bacteria in the large intestine?

Vitamin K. This fat soluble is also found in spinach, kale, and other green leafy vegetables.

Which organ absorbs water and vitamin k from digested food?

The large intestine absorbs water from digested food. Vitamin K is absorbed by the small intestine. Normal bacteria in the intestine seem to have an important role in vitamin K absorption.

Where does bacteria make vitamin K?

It is made in the large intestine

Where is the major site of vitamin K and B formation by bacteria?

Most synthesized by bacteria in the Large Intestine

What beneficial substance are produce by bacteria in the large intestine?

Bacteria in the large intestine can produce important vitamins for the body. For example, some bacteria produce vitamin K from eating fiber. Some bacteria also produce vitamin D.

What nutrient is absorbed in the large intestine?

It is vitamin K and various other vitamins.

What key nutrient is absorbed in the large intestine?

It is vitamin K and various other vitamins.

Which keys nutrient is absorbed in the large intestine?

Large_intestine The bacteria in the large intestine will generate some vitamins including vitamin K and some short chain fatty acids that are absorbed in the large intestine.

What organs help digest vitamins?

small intestine

Does bacteria that reside in the large intestine make vitamin k?

E. coli are part of the normal flora of the gut. Meaning that they have a home there. They make vitamin K. They also prevent pathogenic bacteria from establishing themselves in the gut. They make it hard for them to get started.

What beneficial substances are produced by bacteria the large intestine?

Bacteria in the large intestine can produce important vitamins for the body. For example, some bacteria produce vitamin K from eating fiber. Some bacteria also produce vitamin D.

What do the bacteria in the large intestine produce?

Bacteria eat the parts of the food in the large intestine that are edible to them and they release bi-products when they digest it, specifically gases. These bacteria also produce B complex vitamins and vitamin K.