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Q: What makes you drunk if you drink too much of this?
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Related questions

What past participle do you use with drunk?

The past participle used with "drunk" is "drunk." For example, "He has drunk too much."

What happen when you drink beer instead of water when you are thirsty?

If you drink too much beer, you get drunk.

What is the slang for people who drink a lot?

Someone who drinks too much alcohol too often can be called a drunk, a lush, or a toper. Drunk is the most offensive of these terms, toper the least.

What is a drunk?

A drunk is a person who is currently intoxicated from having had too much alcohol.The term is pejorative (insulting) and implies that such intoxication is a regular state for this person. But technically speaking, someone who is compelled to drink too much, too often is called an alcoholic.

Is 256 ounces of water too much to drink?

Not if you do it over a period of a few days. (You won't be able to drink it all in one sitting.)

Why do people drink too much alcohol?

Sometimes it heredity and sometimes its just the sheer idea of being drunk and not caring about the world.

Why can' t drunk people control the way they move?

If people drink too much alcohol, it can temporarily impair their psychomotor control.

What is the disadvantage of drinking too much?

well if you drink too much you can have a car accident, people can take bad advantage from you. For example, they are a lot of teens girls who get drunk and after they had sex with other people that they never know who are them... well if you drink too much you can have a car accident, people can take bad advantage from you. For example, they are a lot of teens girls who get drunk and after they had sex with other people that they never know who are them...

What happen when you drink too much coffee?

Umm coffee does get you a bit drunk for example coffee is a addicting thing just drink one to two cups of coffee then you will be OK

Can whales get drunk?

yes... its like the the Boston tea party. if alcohol falls and they drink too much they might "get drunk" (but its not likely to happen) this is the kind of question a bored person would ask.

Does Liam Payne get drunk?

No because he only has one kidney working and can't drink too much. He has to be careful, even drinking water!

What does alcohol abuse mean?

If you drink too much alcohol so that you become drunk and are ill you have abused alcohol. If you drink allot of alcohol on a regular basis you are also abusing alcohol.