

What makes your credit score go up?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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18y ago

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Credit scores look at all the typical things. Do you have any credit accounts? You gotta have credit to have a credit score. How long have you had credit? What is your credit history like? Do you pay on-time or do you have significant delinquencies and defaults? A credit report is, in the simplest of terms, a history of how you have managed debt in the past. If that history is positive you will have a high score. If you have a history of not managing debt well, your score will reflect that. Aside from the simplicities, there are tips and tricks to help raise scores. But those won't work if you don't understand and practice the basics; namely, to borrow, then pay back, on time.

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What does a credit score measure?

A credit score is a measurement of factors in your credit history. It is a general score of how well you can manage and repay your debts. Although there are several different scoring standards, your payment history makes up a significant portion of your score.

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What makes up a fico score?

35% Payment History 30 % Amounts Owed 15% Length of Credit History 10 %Types of Credit used 10% New Credit for more information go to

What factors would make your credit score change?

Your payment history makes up 35 percent of your 3 digit fico score. Your debt to income ratio makes up 30 percent of your fico score. 15 percent is based on length of credit history. 10 percent is based on new credit and the other 10 percent is based on the types of credit used.

Does closing cards yourself affect credit score?

Yes, closing old accounts negatively impacts your credit score because it shortens your length of history which makes up 15% of your credit score. Keep you old credit cards open, even if you don't use them.

How do they come up with my credit score?

Payment history is the biggest piece of the pie that makes up your credit score. On the same angle, the amount of money you owe makes up the 2nd largest margain of your credit score. Length of credit history, new credit and types of credit used finalize the score with the other 2 mentioned. Credit scores are generated by plugging the data from your credit report into software that analyzes it and cranks out a number. The three major credit reporting agencies don't necessarily use the same scoring software, so don't be surprised if you discover that the credit scores they generate for you are different.

Will your credit score go up when a bankruptcy comes off?

Yes, a Bankruptcy is one of the most damaging accounts which can show up on a credit report. The good news is that after 2 years, the account doesn't impact your credit score as much. Once it is deleted, your credit score is improved.

When a collection account is deleted from your credit report does it initially lower your score?

When I had a collection deleted from my credit it made my score go up. It will take several weeks.

Is a credit score of 711 good?

I have a credit score of 711 but limited credit history, which means not much experience so I'll need to build up credit. 711 is on the good range but you should also remember to maintain it or build it up. You wouldn't want your score to go down.