

What man discovered Venus the planet?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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I DONT KNOW they just named it after the roman goddess venus

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Q: What man discovered Venus the planet?
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Who discovered the planet Venus and how?

12bc was when venus was discovered but experts arent really sure due to that venus is a planet we can see at night

What date did Venus's get discovered?

Unknown. The planet Venus is clearly visible in the sky, and prehistoric man could see it easily.

What scientist discovered the planet Venus?

Venus has been known to mankind since ancient times, as this planet is easily discernible in the night sky. Therefore, Venus was not discovered by any scientist.

The founder of Venus?

i believe it was Obama binlandin who discovered homosexuality

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Who discovery Venus?

Many scientists have studied Venus. The scientific teams that flew spacecraft such as Mariner 2 and Magellan have gathered much data on the planet Venus.

What year was the planet Venus founded in?

It was discovered 1610 by Galileo. (:

Why is the planet Venus named after a goddess?

because when they discovered it they could see it glowing like the goddess venus

What satellites orbit Venus?

No. First of all, since Venus is a planet, an object orbiting it would not be a planet; it would be a moon or satellite, not a planet. Stars do not orbit planets. Rather, planets orbit stars. The star Venus orbits is the sun. Venus does not have any moons, but some man-made satellites have orbited it at various times.

Is there anything interesting about Venus when it was discovered?

When Venus was discovered, scientists learned that it was the brightest planet in the solar system. It was also able to cast shadows and Galileo was the first person to view Venus through a telescope.

Who was the first man on Venus?

There has been no successful arrival of a human being in the planet Venus yet.

Which was the first planet discovered and who discovered?

There was no first discovered planet. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn have been known since ancient times from before anything was actually documented. They have no particular discoverer.