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Main industries of Greece are tourism, shipping, industrial products, food, tobacco, textiles, chemicals, metal products, mining and petroleum.

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Q: What manufactured goods does Greece have?
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What are manufactured goods in Greece?

The largest manufactured goods in Greece include cement, pharmaceuticals, concrete, beverages, rebars, cigarettes, beer, diary products, and aluminum slabs.

What goods were traded regularly between the colonies and their parent cities in Greece?

Foodstuffs, minerals, textiles, manufactured goods, slaves.

What are Greece's major exports?

petroleum,products, food and beverage, manufactured goods, chemicals and textiles.

What did ancient Greece trade for grains and metals?

Pottery, other artwork, cloth, manufactured goods, slaves.

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goods manufactured come first

What countries import goods to Greece?

None. Some countries export goods to Greece and others import goods from Greece.

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Manufactured goods!!!

What are the manufactured goods in Queensland?

Can. Goods

What manufactured goods does Egypt have?

Yes, Egypt does have manufactured goods. Egypt's Manufactured goods are textiles, perfumes, vases, cutlery, lotions, pottery, and a small amount of wood

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The manufactured goods of the northern territories are ice and seafood