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Salem witch trials

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Q: What mass hysteria events occurred in 1692 in Massachusetts and 19 people die?
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What is political hysteria?

Political hysteria is referred to exaggerated emotions or excitement that is triggered by political activities among a group of people. This can be referred to sycophancy of political events.

What happened in salem?

In 1692, there was mass hysteria in Salem, Massachusetts and twenty innocent men and women were executed as witches. The exact cause of the mass hysteria is unknown to this day. All 20 people were pardoned After they were executed.

What's in Salem?

In 1692, there was mass hysteria in Salem, Massachusetts and twenty innocent men and women were executed as witches. The exact cause of the mass hysteria is unknown to this day. All 20 people were pardoned After they were executed.

Secondary sources are accounts of the past?

created by people who study events after they have occurred

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See related link. Other people may not view the same events as important.

What is subsequent events?

Events that occurred after, or later in time than, the event you are talking about. For example: The king believed that the people would accept the heavy taxes he imposed, but subsequent events proved him wrong.

Did the life in the colonies have anything to do with the Salem witch trials?

I would say yes. Had the "religious fervor" in the Puritan Massachusetts been less, people would have been more skeptical which might have kept people from believing accusations or at least from being swept into hysteria.

What does 'it is written' mean to ordinary people?

The phrase "it is written" implies that something that has occurred in your life was meant to happen just as it did. It also implies that there is a "writer" of the events of our lives. A creator of the events of our lives, who allows paths to cross and events to happen. How we respond to these events, people and places determines how we fulfill our destinies or how we do not.

What is Mob Hysteria?

Mob hysteria refers to a collective state of agitation, panic, or irrational behavior exhibited by a group of people. It can lead to widespread fear, violence, or instances of mass hysteria based on shared beliefs or emotions within the group.

Why do people go to massachusetts?

Because the Pilgrims wanted to go to Virginia (I think), but they landed at Plymouth Rock, in Massachusetts

What is a record of past events?

it is a journal type log where a person or various people observe events that have already occurred and write them down. This way, people in the future have information of events that took place in the past. A record of past events is an essential part to our intelligence of the past and is a vital part in history.

Why was Boston important to the colonist?

Boston was not especially important. That was just the place where the people who were ready to do action lived. Virginia was the other state besides Massachusetts's, where a lot of the action occurred.