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Breyer toy horses are made from a type of plastic. More specifically they are made from cellulose acetate. They are most well known for their horses, however, they also sell other toy animals.

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10y ago

Breyer horse figurines are made from cellulose acetone (which is a special type of plastic). They also make figures of other animals, such as dogs and cats.

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What is the most realistc toy horse?

The most realistic toy horse are Breyer Horses you can look at them at all of the common search websites (what you search) breyer horses pics or pictures them you can see for your self

What types of horses can be contained in a breyer horse stable?

Toy horses. Breyer horses have been around since the 1950s. Breyer also makes models of other animals, but horses seem to be the most popular. Collectors on eBay purchase them often.

What kind of products do Breyer Horses provide?

The Breyer Horses company is one which makes and sells Toy Horses. These include both wooden and plastic horses for children or collectors of all ages in the world.

Does norby's in Waverly Iowa sell breyer toy horses?

No,they sell them in alot of places,but not there.

Can you buy breyer horses at Walmart in Ontario?

Noooo... probably not. They only sell Breyer horses at local tack shops and maybe some toy stores. But don't worry, there's always E Bay!

Where to buy breyer horses in Texas?

You can buy horses anywere. You can buy them off of Ebay, or a website, or look in second hand stores, or toy stores for them. You can really find them anywhere.

Where can you find a Rain toy from Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron?

the model horse company called Breyer has many spirit, stallion of the cimarron collection horses-

Where do you buy really cheap breyer horses?

Ok you can find the cheapest breyer horses (traditionals,classics,stablemates,padock pals,and minnie winnies.) On the websites and I have look for a little while and they have the cheapest there is a breyer horse there for 30.00 and 1 at my breyer store for 71.OO so that was like a really rare one they have cheaper so hoped I helped. =D

Stores that sell breyer wind dancers toy horses?

There might be some at your local White Elephant. You'll find a huge selection on the Internet. Simply do a google search on "Breyer Horses" and you'll find a number of reputable merchants. For the best prices on Wind Dancers I recommend

What were old toy horses made from?


What is a Breyer Stable used for?

A Breyer Stable can be used as a child's play toy and usually comes with stable animals. One can purchase these on sites like eBay and Amazon. It is advisable that one checks sellers ratings before a purchase is made.

Why can you only get Breyer in America?

I am a breyer collector myself, and some walmarts have them. They usually are in the toy section. Ugh. I am a teen, so I know how you might feel about this, but they are worth it!