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Q: What material is like human teeth?
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Are dolphin s teeth cleaner than human teeth?

yes, they may not have a toothbrush but the salt water acts like a great material for cleaning teeth.

Do katydids have teeth?

Not like human teeth, but they do have serated "teeth" on their wing parts that they rub together to make a loud trilling sound.

Do crabs have teeth?

No, crabs do not have teeth in the sense that most people think. They have tooth-like structures in their stomachs in a chamber called the gastric mill which performs food processing, just like the teeth in your mouth. Unlike your teeth, the teeth in a crab's gastric mill are not made of bone, but of a material called chitin, which is the same material that makes up most of a crab's shell.

Do orangutans have teeth when they are born?

No, baby orangutans do not have teeth when they are born. Much like human children, they first grow baby teeth and later adult teeth.

What do slugs teeth look like?

yes they do not have teeth but they don't bite human flesh, they only eat plants

Are teeth considered human tissue?

no they are net. why? because your teeth are like Glass they will chip put your gums are from a student in ?

Numbers of human teeth?

There are 32 teeth in an adult human.

Where is dentine found?

Dentin is a material found in teeth. The dentin material found in teeth is just under the layer of enamel.

What are cats teeth made out of?

The same thing that human fingernails and animal hooves are made of, a protein called keratin.

Does a dog bottom teeth fall out?

Yes, but only their puppy teeth, just like a human child looses their teeth. An adult dog shouldn't be loosing any of their teeth.

What are the characteristics of a human teeth?

There are 3 characteristics of human teeth -thecodontheterodontdiphiodont

What does teeth look like?

There yellowish in the edgis and much stronger then human teeth.They can eat a whole corn cob.There also bigger then human teeth and if its an old horse then the front teeth lean forward out the mouth but they dont make the horse look stupid cuz you cant notice its teeth are like that when its mouth is closed