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Q: What material is the New Horizons interplanetary space probe made out of?
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A space probe flying towards the dwarf planet Pluto since 2006?

New Horizons

Neptune was the last planet to be visited by what space probe?

Neptune was the last planet to be visited by the space probe called Voyager II. It was launched by NASA and the probed flew past the planet in 1989.

What space probe visited Pluto and what year?

No Space Probes have currently visited Pluto. However NASA launched a space probe called New Horizons to take pictures of pluto and to discover more objects in the Kuiper Belt. New Horizons is expected to arrive at Pluto in July 2015.

Are volcanoes on Pluto?

It appears not. The New Horizons space probe did not find any evidence of volcanoes or cryovolcanoes.

Why don't space probes visit Pluto?

The only space probe to visit Pluto was the New Horizons spacecraft. It took 9 years to get there.

Did any robot visit Pluto?

Not yet. The New Horizons space probe will fly by Pluto in 2015. It will be the first.

Has Pluto ever been explored by a spacecraft or fly by?

No, but a space probe called New Horizons is on its way for a flyby.

Have any robots or spacecraft visited Pluto?

Yes. The space probe New Horizons flew by Pluto in 2015.

Does Pluto have mountains?

Yes. The space probe New Horizons found mountains on Pluto that are as tall as the Rocky Mountains on Earth.

What was Pioneer 10 set out to do?

Pioneer 10 (also known as Pioneer F) is a robotic space probe that was planned as the first interplanetary mission to Jupiter.

What is the name of the space shuttle that launched the Galileo interplanetary probe to Jupiter on STS-34 in October 1989?

STS-34 used Atlantis for the mission.

Why interplanetary is in outer space?

Interplanetary means "between the planets".