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More or less the same materials that are in the Solar System today - except that our Sun must already have converted a significant amount of hydrogen-1 to helium-4 in the meantime.

So, the original materials must have been: mainly hydrogen-1, less hydrogen-2 (deuterium) and helium-4, and only fairly small amounts of the so-called "metals", i.e., any heavier elements.

Of course, those heavier elements were essential in the formation of the Earth and hence the existence of life in the solar system.

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Q: What materials could have been found in a giant cloud that formed the solar system?
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Can a black hole suck are oort cloud?

Yes, it could. But our Oort cloud is safe... for now. There are no [known] black holes anywhere within the vicinity of our solar system.

What type of activities can you do on the planet Jupiter?

You Could... -Storm Surfing? -Cloud Gliding? ?(: Of Course You Would Need Materials & a Board and What Not...But Ill Leave That For Those Of You Reading This.

Conglomerates form from what kind of rock?

Conglomerates form from clastic sediments which are products of weathering, so, conglomeratic materials could be formed from any other rock type. Conglomerate itself is an Example of Mechanically formed Sedimentary Rock.

What could happen to the dust and gases that are left behind after a supernova of a dying star?

They will be drawn into a larger cloud by gravitational attraction and eventually, this can form a stellar system.

How was the soler system formed?

What is the solar system? It is our Sun and everything that travels around it. Our solar system is elliptical in shape. That means it is shaped like an egg. The Sun is in the center of the solar system. Our solar system is always in motion. Eight known planets and their moons, along with comets, asteroids, and other space objects orbit the Sun. The Sun is the biggest object in our solar system. It contains more than 99% of the solar system's mass. Astronomers think the solar system is more than 4 billion years old. Astronomers are now finding new objects far, far from the Sun which they call dwarf planets. Pluto, which was once called a planet, is now called a dwarf planet. This is by a child from nelson primary school

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Did a nebula crate your solar system?

The Solar System formed from the gravitational collapse of a giant molecular cloud (Stellar Nursery) [See Link] about 4.6 billion years ago. The molecular cloud was probably several light-years across and could have birthed several stars

How was your solar syatem formed?

i! Welcome to Earth! Human science believe that the solar system was formed when a cloud of gas and dust in space was disturbed, by a supernovea. Because of the explosion the cloud started to collapse and spin around. The cloud grew hotter at the centre and formed a disk around it. The material in the disk began to form clumps, making planets and moons. Near the center of the cloud, where planets like Earth formed, only rocky material could stand the great heat. Icy matter settled in the outer regions of the disk along with rocky material, where the giant planets like Jupiter formed. As the cloud continued to fall in, the center eventually got so hot that it became a star, the Sun, and blew most of the gas and dust of the new solar system with a strong stellar wind.

What materials could have been found in the giant cloud that formed the solar system?

More or less the same materials that are in the Solar System today - except that our Sun must already have converted a significant amount of hydrogen-1 to helium-4 in the meantime. So, the original materials must have been: mainly hydrogen-1, less hydrogen-2 (deuterium) and helium-4, and only fairly small amounts of the so-called "metals", i.e., any heavier elements. Of course, those heavier elements were essential in the formation of the Earth and hence the existence of life in the solar system.

Why does earth spin on its axis and around the sun?

It is the belief of astronomers that the solar system condensed out of a cloud of interstellar gas and dust. The cloud itself was originally spinning, and that rotational motion then became part of all the objects in the solar system which resulted from that cloud. If you also would like to know why the cloud was spinning, we could in theory trace it back to the Big Bang. Additionally, our spin was complemented by the giant impact which is believed to have formed the moon, then slowed by the moon's continued existence.

What could have been found in the giant cloud that formed the solar system?

More or less the same materials that are in the Solar System today - except that our Sun must already have converted a significant amount of hydrogen-1 to helium-4 in the meantime. So, the original materials must have been: mainly hydrogen-1, less hydrogen-2 (deuterium) and helium-4, and only fairly small amounts of the so-called "metals", i.e., any heavier elements. Of course, those heavier elements were essential in the formation of the Earth and hence the existence of life in the solar system.

Can a black hole suck are oort cloud?

Yes, it could. But our Oort cloud is safe... for now. There are no [known] black holes anywhere within the vicinity of our solar system.

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Atoms with larger atomic numbers have a larger electron cloud, or system of orbitals

How does Scientists hypothesize that the Solar System formed .?

The Solar system formed from a cloud of dust and gas. A passing cosmic body or shock waves from a nearby super-nova started a gravitational collapse in this cloud. As it collapse, its gravitational pull became stronger. At the same time, in order to preserve its angular momentum it started spinning. Eventually the central part became dense, and the matter falling towards the core heated to the extent that thermonuclear reaction could begin. The reaction was self sustaining and a star - our sun - was born. The outer parts of the cloud continued to spin around this early star and gradually coalesced into planets, and the other bodies in the Solar system.

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The Sun and planets were all most likely formed from a single gas cloud several billion years ago. The center of this region became compressed under gravity, while the planets formed from areas of higher density which could attract more matter. Everything in the solar system maintained the initial spin of that cloud, and so all the planets orbit the Sun in the same direction.

What is it called when the source system formed from a huge cloud of dust and gases?

Scientists believe that the solar system was formed when a cloud of gas and dust in space was disturbed, maybe by the explosion of a nearby star (called a supernova). This explosion made waves in space which squeezed the cloud of gas and dust. Squeezing made the cloud start to collapse, as gravity pulled the gas and dust together, forming a solar nebula. Just like a dancer that spins faster as she pulls in her arms, the cloud began to spin as it collapsed. Eventually, the cloud grew hotter and denser in the center, with a disk of gas and dust surrounding it that was hot in the center but cool at the edges. As the disk got thinner and thinner, particles began to stick together and form clumps. Some clumps got bigger, as particles and small clumps stuck to them, eventually forming planets or moons . Near the center of the cloud, where planets like Earth formed, only rocky material could stand the great heat. Icy matter settled in the outer regions of the disk along with rocky material, where the giant planets like Jupiter formed. As the cloud continued to fall in, the center eventually got so hot that it became a star, the Sun, and blew most of the gas and dust of the new solar system with a strong stellar wind. By studyingmeteorites, which are thought to be left over from this early phase of the solar system, scientists have found that the solar system is about 4600 million years old!

What type of activities can you do on the planet Jupiter?

You Could... -Storm Surfing? -Cloud Gliding? ?(: Of Course You Would Need Materials & a Board and What Not...But Ill Leave That For Those Of You Reading This.

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