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Q: What materials did medieval people use to make their weapons?
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How many medieval weapon blacksmiths are there left?

If you mean people who make weapons like they did in the middle,there are many who do this and they sell the weapons/armour that they make.

How did they make their weapons in the medieval times?

Peasants and Knights made their weapons out of wood, iron, and different materials. Knights fought to protect their Kings and to worship their land. That's why they had to build castles to protect their land.

What was the materials medieval people use to make technology?

wood stone gold silver etc

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Who owned a sword back in the Medieval Times?

not too many people owned a sword back in medieval times because of the cost and the length of time it took to make one. most people had daggers or other weapons because alot people didn't have the money or reasorces to make weapons and the people who did own sowrds were generally soldiers or people who had money.

What did the medieval people use to make the clothes?

People used different materials during different time eras. In the medieval times, people used cotton, silk and burlap as a clothing source.

What hardships might the shortages have caused for the people who lived at fertile crescent?

They won't have any materials to use to make weapons.

How did the Egyptians make their weapons?

Blacksmiths made their weapons by using heat to craft hard materials.

What materials are used to make Maori weapons?

iugerguer9 the maori used wood, animal bones and greenstone to make their weapons. \

How did they make objects like weapons and kitchen wares during Medieval Times?

Well they aren't poor, they did have fire to melt the metal they had and make it into a knife or sword. They also had wood to carve the handles to their weapons. That is how they created weapons in medieval times. The same goes for kitchen ware, they had metal, wood and fire to make and melt things.

How did ancient people make weapons?

Ancient people used obsidian ( rocks used to make weapons)

What materials were use to make weapons?

wooden weapons were usually made of oak or ash, and arrows were made of maple most metal weapons were made of steel.