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Eruptions from composite volcanoes vary. Some eruptions will produce ash and pumice, some produce volcanic bombs, while still others produce lava flows.

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Q: What materials does the composite volcano have after erupting?
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Was the eruption of montserrat a composite volcano?

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You've got to be kidding me. A volcano that erupts often is called a cinder cone volcano, a volcano that does not erupt at all is called a shield volcano, and a volcano that can erupt but doesn't is a composite volcano. Here is the chart. Cinder cone: eruption Shield: dead Composite: sleep Hope you use my answer wisely. NOOBS!

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an active volcano is a volcano that is erupting or has shown signs of erupting in the near future.

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A volcano is called a volcano whether it is erupting or not.It is called an active volcano if it is erupting or has erupted recently.It is a dormant volcano if it hasn't erupted in a long time.Extinct volcanoes are not expected to ever erupt again.

How can you say that volcano is an active volcano?

it is erupting

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An active volcano is a volcano that has had at least one eruption during the past 10,000 years. An active volcano might be erupting or dormant. An erupting volcano is an active volcano that is having an eruption... A dormant volcano is an active volcano that is not erupting, but supposed to erupt again.

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Eyjafjallajökull is a stratovolcano or composite volcano. This type of volcano has been erupting and cooling over a long period of time and is usually larger than younger volcanoes.

There is a volcano erupting right now near the north pole what is the name of the volcano?

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What is a good sentence with the word erupting?

The volcano is erupting as we speak.

Can't people put some thing in a volcano to make it stop erupting?

No. We cannot stop a volcano from erupting. The chances of the Yellowstone volcano erupting any time soon are negligible.