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Q: What materials use natural gas by-products as some of their ingredients?
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What some natural resources of Texas?

Fossil Fuels, Metal, Stone and Animal Byproducts

What are some natural ingredients that Dove uses in their body bars?

Dove uses natural ingredients such as water and goat milk. There are a lot of other ingredients that are basically types of salt, which some may consider natural, but they are chemically processed, therefore, I would not consider them natural.

Can smoking serenity cause cancer?

The byproducts of burning vegetable materials almost always contain some cancer-causing agents.

What are some common materials that can be used for bioenergy?

There are many materials that can be used in order to create bioenergy. Examples include wood, wood waste, straw, sugarcane, manure and other agricultural byproducts.

What are some natural materials found in New York?

Some natural materials in New York are lumber, natural gas, fruit, marble, mile, corn, and clay. These are some of the most used natural resources from New York.

What are materials of nature?

Materials of nature are substances and resources that are found in the natural world, such as wood, water, rocks, and minerals. These materials are typically produced by natural processes and can be used in various ways for construction, energy, clothing, and other purposes.

Is it possible to be allergic to Pears soap?

Yes. Even though it's made from natural ingredients, some people still have allergic reactions to it (as they are allergic to the natural ingredients).

What are the ingredients in food coloring?

There are many products used as food coloring. Some are natural. They extracted from plant materials, from animals and some even come from insects farmed for that purpose. Food coloring is also made artificially in a factory from chemicals.

What are some natural materials one can use for drain cleaning?

There are several natural materials one can use for drain cleaning. Some very efficient materials some people use are Borax, lactic acid, and a lye-based drain cleaner.

What is are some of the hardest natural materials known to man?


Were did candy come from?

They had to make the candy and they made some of the candy from natural ingredients

Are clothes only made from natural materials?

some r some arnt