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It might just be a stitch, do some stretching, breath deep, hold your breath. If it continues for a long period of time (e.g: half a day - a day or more) then go and see your doctor.

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Q: What may be causing the pain in my right side when I breathe?
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if it is lower abdomen pain in the left side when you are looking down it could be appendisitis. i know your appendix are on the right side, but you get pain on the left. go to the doctors.

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A sharp pain on the right side of your head could result from multiple things. If you are not seeing properly, your eyes could be straining, thus causing your head to hurt. Also, there may be a more serious problem. If the pain persists, I would consider going to the doctor.

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You should not self treat any pain you cannot diagnose. If you are not sure exactly what is causing the pain, you should see a doctor. Treatment varies according to cause.

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i have pain upper right side below ribs,also lots of tenderness in back right side.

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Growing Pains perhaps depending upon your age.

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There are several different things that could be causing the excessive burping and pain on your right side. You could have swallowed too much air or it could be acid reflux disease. Other things it could be include irritable bowel syndrome, gastric ulcers, and gallstones.

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Pain on the right side of your abdomen can be coming from you appendix. This can be very serious and requires immediate medical attention.

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