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Q: What may cause swelling of the index finger and in the palm under ithe finger a red circle?
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How do you say when in sign language?

point the index finger upwards; with the other index finger, make a circle at the tip of the first.

How do you sign circle in British sign language?

Simple! Just use your index finger to draw a circle in the air!

Which finger is the index finger?

The index finger is between your thumb and middle finger.

What does a gram of weed look like?

Make a circle shape with your them et index finger roughly that much

What do you call the width of the index finger?

There is no scientific name for the width of the index finger. The name index finger literally means pointing finger.

What is the whole procsess of sex?

Make a circle with your index finger and thumb and then jam your fist into the hole. Same Thing.

Had a local in the index finger 12 hours ago and is still numb?

It goes on the index finger because the index finger is the only finger that has a tendon connected to the heartThere is no scientific name for the width of the index finger

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is the index finger lateral to the ring fingers

I slept with a ring on my index finger last night and when i went to take it off it was harder to take off and my finger was fatter How did that happen Was it because of the ring?

Fluid retention. It goes down through out the morning...and usually by the afternoon the swelling diminishes. Salt intake will also cause fluid retention.

Why must you shoot with the index finger?

you dont shoot with your index finger

How do you use thumb in a sentence?

He put medicine on his swelling thumb. She had a ring on her ring finger, her index finer, and her thumb. At night the baby sucks his thumb.