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Q: What may have been the reason that Germany was divided into two separated parts after world war 1?
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What two parts was Germany divided into?

Germany got divided in two parts; East and West Germany.

Which separated Germany into two parts. The Polish Corridor is at .?

Poland's Gdansk (or Dantzig) corridor separated East Prussia from the rest of Germany.

What may have been the reason that Germany was divided into two separated parts along the Baltic sea after world war 1?

I think this was because during the World War I, Britain blocked all the seaways which lead to Germany. So, Germany didn't want to be locked and they took control this other land, which helped them trade with other countries.

At what meeting did Germany become divided?

at the Potsdam Conference the Allied leaders divided Germany into four parts

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What is divisible mean?

Divisible means "able to be divided." Something that is divisible can be divided into parts or portions or separated into pieces.

Why was Germany divided into two separate parts along the Baltic Sea coast after World War 1?

Germany was divided into two parts so Poland could be granted access to the sea.

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Both Michigan and Virginia are separated into two parts by water.

Germany was divided into how many parts after World War 2?

Germany was divided into 4 different parts after WW2. There was the British Zone, Soviet Zone, French Zone, and American Zone.

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What country was divided into 4 parts after world war 2?

Germany .