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the drawbacks of upgrading become official like everything else is on our computer systems

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Q: What may the drawbacks be of not upgrading?
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One benefit to upgrading to Windows XP is that it may work faster that your previous software. Another benefit is that it may provide you with features you don't currently have.

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What is Upgrading in computing?

In terms of software, upgrading is the process where a program is removed in favor of a newer version of the software. Newer versions may have some problems fixed or new features. In terms of hardware, upgrading, to put it simply, is taking old parts out and replacing them with newer ones. You may decide to buy a new hard drive that has more room, and by removing your old one and replacing it with the new one, you are upgrading your computer.

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About 3-4 years. If you wait longer than that, it may be more convenient to replace the entire system, instead of upgrading the CPU.

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