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Q: What mean border less organization?
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How many miles is the border?

it depends on what you mean & also on which border you mean there are borders less than a mile long & there are borders thousands of miles long but if you mean how far is it to the border then it also depends on where you are

Full form of bsf?

The full form of BSF is Border Security Force. It is the primary border guarding organization in India.

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What does mean organization?

Organization means your Organized

What does organization mean?

Organization means your Organized

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What does the word interoffice memorandum mean?

These are referred to as "Memo's". They are some kind of note from someone in the organization to either one person or a whole group of people in the same organization. Originally they were meant to be less formal and less official than a letter, but they have evolved into (at least in some companies) the same kind of communication as a letter, but still are intended to stay in the organization.

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What state has the less border in United states?

Maine does

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Organization means your Organized

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Q: Why should as service organization worry about being world-class if it does not compete out-side its own national border What impact does the internet have on this?

Is alumni a secret organization?

No, alumni does not mean a secret organization