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The other reindeers made fun of Rudolph because he was different the the other reindeers.
They thought Rudolph had a red nose without a reason, however the other reindeers had black noses and Rudolph has a red nose. At the end of the story, the other reindeers realized that Rudolph had a red nose to help out Santa for his delivery run. How will see know where he is going if he doesn't have Rudolph, Santa needs Rudolph to see in the dark for his delivery run to give presents to the people.

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Wouldnt let him play in any reindeer games and they kept calling him not very nice names

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Q: What mean things did the other reindeer do to Rudolph?
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Did you perhaps mean "Rudolph" as in the reindeer?

Who was the mean elf in rudolph the red nose reindeer?

The mean elf was simply known as Boss Elf.

Who is the author of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer?

If you mean the book then Robert L. May.

What is the plot of Rudolph?

If you mean "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer," the plot is that a reindeer is born with a shiny, red nose and nobody likes him because he's different. Then Santa Claus figures out that Rudolph's nose can help light the way on a foggy night and starts using him on the sleigh team.

What does Rudolph the Reindeer name mean?

Well, these are the lyrics: Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose. And if you ever saw him, you would even say it glows. All of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names. They never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games. Then one foggy Christmas Eve Santa came to say: "Rudolph with your nose so bright, won't you guide my sleigh tonight?" Then all the reindeer loved him as they shouted out with glee, Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, you'll go down in history First, in the first stanza it describes Rudolph with his shiny nose, then it goes on that Santa's other reindeers laughed and made fun of him and called him names and that Rudolph couldn't play with them. It goes on that on a foggy Christmas eve Santa asked Rudolph to guide his sleigh since Rudolphs nose was so bright. After that happened the reindeers learned to love hime and be nicer to him. They shouted his names in glee. Finally, the last 2 lines show that Rudolph will soon be known and loved by everyone!

What is wrong with the little girl in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer?

I assume you mean the classic (?) Johnny Marks song. There is no mention of a Little Girl in the song lyrics, even by implication. Santa claus, yes, all of the other reindeer, but no child characters- in the SONG.

Have many reindeer does santa have?

The question is unclear as many people use "hoof" differently. Some use it to mean the entire foot, while others use it to mean just the toes. Reindeer have 2 large toes and 2 small toes on each foot. If you are using "hooves" to mean feet, they each have four, just as any other reindeer would. Total, that's 32 hooves, unless you count Rudolph, which would make it 36. If you mean hoof as a modified nail at the end of a toe, then if you count Rudolph, then there would be 144 hooves.. Reindeer have four toes on each foot, and each toe ends in a nail. Thus each reindeer has 16 hooves. The only animals which have only four hooves per animal are equines, who have only one toe per foot.

Who was roudolphs dad?

If by 'roudolph' you mean Rudolph as in Rudolph the red nose reindeer, I can answer this question. As a matter of fact the only evidence to suggest that Rudolph, the fictional Christmas character, actually has a father, is that Santa Clause is Rudolphs owner. Therefore, this determines the question 'who is Rudolph's dad - Rudolphs dad is Santa Clause.

What is the ninth reindeer called that pulls santas sleigh?

Which reindeer do you mean, as any could be classed as 9th. Here are the names of ALL his reindeer:DasherDancerPrancerVixenCometCupidDonner (variously spelled Dunder and Donder)Blitzen (variously spelled Blixem and Blixen)Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Why does Rudolph's nose glow red?

I believe that every year on Christmas eve Rudolph shines his red nose to clear the foggy skies for Santa. I mean how else would he be able to see?Another view:Rudolph was born that way, so Rudolph and the other reindeer thought it was a birth defect. They made fun of him because of his red nose and wouldn't play with him, even though Rudolph couldn't help it that his nose glowed red. This made Rudolph very sad, having all the other reindeer making fun of him, and no one to play with. I guess reindeer can be like kids (and adults), thinking that just because someone is different that they aren't "as good".But then, when they realized what a speciall gift his red nose was, and how his glowing red nose could help guide the sleigh, Santa chose him to lead the other reindeer. That was when Rudolph and all the other reindeer realized that being different was not a bad thing, but was actually a good thing.They all learned that just because someone is different doesn't mean they aren't just as good as every one else is. And now they don't make fun of others who are different anymore, either. They learned that everyone is special in their own way.