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Anterial and ventral

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Q: What means from the front to the back of the body.?
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What refers to the front of the body or head region of a frog?

Dorsal means on or near the back of the body.

What is the medical term meaning Pertaining to the back and the front?

Posterior (Back)Anterior (Front)term means pertaining to the back and to the front

What terms means towards or at the back of the body?

Towards the back is posterior and towards the front is the anterior.

What is the opposite medical term of posterior?

Posterior simply means the back side or behind, which is the opposite of anterior, which is the front side.

What does anterior mean in medical terms?

Anterior means: At or toward the front, forward, ventral: opposed to posterior.

Is your liver at the front or back of the body?


Why does sitting in front of a fire make your front very warm while your back is cold?

The human body is not a good conductor, which means heat does not travel through the human body easily. The thermal energy from the fire stays on your skin in the front of the body.

What is the medical term meaning back to front?

Posteroanterior means from back to front.

What does it mean if your placenta is in the back instead of the front?

it just means its not in the front, and in the back.

What does posterior mean?

"Posterior" refers to something located at the back of a structure or closer to the rear of the body. In anatomy, it is the opposite of "anterior," which refers to the front of a structure or closer to the front of the body.

What means the same as anterior?

It means front, antrior is front and posterior is rear, or back.

What does anteroposterior?

It means "From front to Back"