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Absolute Monarchy.

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Q: What means giovernment ruled by a single person?
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What is a group of countries ruled by a single nation?

a group of nations ruled by a single person or government

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What is a government ruled by a single person called?

autocratic government

Which person was a Putitan minister who disagreed with the way the leaders of Massachusetts ruled?

a single person

What does ruled by one mean?

It means one vote. When ruled by one that person has control over everything when it comes to the company.

What does call a government ruled by a queen or king?

It is Not your Mom!It means ruled by one Person I think! :)this is a random person and i did not type this it was a fat dude and this is the wrong answerAn Absolute Monarchy.

What does one call a ruled by a queen or king?

It is Not your Mom!It means ruled by one Person I think! :)this is a random person and i did not type this it was a fat dude and this is the wrong answerAn Absolute Monarchy.

Does one a call a government ruled by a king or queen?

It is Not your Mom!It means ruled by one Person I think! :)this is a random person and i did not type this it was a fat dude and this is the wrong answerAn Absolute Monarchy.

What is the difference between a dicatorship and a democray?

A dictatorship is a country that is ruled by a single person there is no voting what he says goes. A democracy is a country ruled by many branches of government that are all voted for by the people

What is monarchism?

Ruled by a KingAnswerThe word 'Monarch' is from Latin extraction. It means 'one ruler' or one person in overall control. In this respect having a President could be considered Monarchial.

Who has no power in Tyranny?

Tyranny is a government ruled by a single person, or tyrannt. The people rarely, if ever, have a say in what he/she does in their all-powerful position.

Who has power in tyranny?

Tyranny is a government ruled by a single person, or tyrannt. The people rarely, if ever, have a say in what he/she does in their all-powerful position.