

What means phagocytosis?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What means phagocytosis?
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What is another name for cell eating?

The word that means the same thing as cell eating is phagocytosis. The outcome is the ingestion of particulate matter, such as bacteria, from the extracellular fluid.

A means of bringing fairly large particles into the cell?


What term means cell eating and describes a type of endocytosis?

well icreallyt do no tknow can someone plz plz plz answer i am desperat ewhat means cell eating like what does is the word

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exocytosis, phagocytosis,pinocytosis, osmosis,

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What is another name for eating?

Phagocytosis, which literally means a condition of cell eating.

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Phagocytosis which literally means "cell eating" is the process by which cells ingest bacteria and other large foreign particles.

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Where does phagocytosis happen?

Phagocytosis takes place in the blood.

The prefix pino means drink phago means to eat and cyto means Cell. Using this information explain why the words pinocytosis and phagocytosis are good names for the processes they describe?

pino- also means drink. If you use this meaning, pinocytosis would translate to drinking process of the cell. This is a good name for the process it describes because it involves taking liquids into the cell by means of endocytosis. Phagocytosis translates to eating process of the cell. Phagocytosis is a good name for the process it describes because the process involves the cell taking in particles of food by means of endocytosis.

Which is a method of avoiding phagocytosis?

Inducing phagocytosis.

What is the movement of particles into the cell?

The movement of large particles of solid food or whole cells into the cell is called phagocytosis. Phagocytosis occurs in three separate steps.